Freshers week, etc - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld - Freshers week, etc - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld -

Freshers week, etc

Door: Supermatz

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Mathilde

16 September 2010 | Verenigd Koninkrijk, Glasgow

Hey everybody!
For those who were wondering where I was: sorry, I was too busy partying to write anything, mwahaha, so if you’re interested, here’s what I’ve been up to:

Last Saturday the QMU (Queen Margaret Union, one of the two student unions here) had a white t-shirt welcome party: everyone got a white shirt and a pen at the entrance, and was supposed to write silly stuff on other people. At the end of the evening my shirt was full of Finnish slogans and Italian songlyrics. I mostly wrote evil stuff in Dutch on others because I thought that was the idea, but people are indeed very nice over here.

The others:
I’ve kinda become friends with my neighbours, they are quite nice! I share my bathroom, kitchen, etc with an Italian girl and a Spanish one (who will kill you if you introduce her as Spanish, for she is Catalan, from Barcelona, blah blah blah. So apparently, Spain is two countries in one, or something. Anyway to the point Mathilde) The Italian girl (Marta) studies English, like me, and she knows all of the other Italians here (there are many of them, same goes for Germans).
Yesterday the girl from Barcelona offered to make me dinner (my first healthy meal since I got here I guess, but I’ll be cooking more healthy for myself from now on, for I think I’m coming down with what they call “the freshers flu..” *cough *) and she keeps trying to convince me to join the ladies rugby team. I refuse to join the rugby team, however, I am probably joining the girls football team. Aren’t I cool? Haha.

Last Monday I saw a band called Two Door Cinema Club, for free, at the GUU (which is the other student union). It was pretty amazing to see them again, yeah!
The day after this I went to a pub ..and had my first Guinness since I got here, so about time huh.. with a couple of neighbours (including miss Catalan) to see a Rangers game. I am very sorry, but really, RAANGERS ARR SHIIITE. I hear the Celtics are pretty awful as well, but still better than the Rangers, but ermmm I wanna see a Celtics match for myself before I make up my mind. I do not really give a shit, but because I might become a football playeresse myself, I could at least act as if I do..

Yesterday I went to a headphone disco, QMU again, the disco was full of 17-year olds but it was great anyways, and well, right now I am pretty tired. I do not really have time to be tired though, for there is still a lot to do for me, like open up a bank-account, which turns out to be a really difficult process, *sigh*. Today I enrolled for most of my courses, which is a very lengthy procedure in Schotland if you ask me. Unfortunately I have not enrolled for any Literature courses yet, for they belong to another department, which is very annoying because some professors are still on holiday and wtfetc. It turns out that I signed up for way too many courses, so I might have to drop some, but I don’t want to. I want to become a smart girl underneath it all. Hehe.

Oh and a footballer. I just got back from my first “jist a wee xample” training, and the girls are quite nice. I think it would be good for me to do some sports, meet some Scottish lassies. I probably won’t make it into the team (there is only one) but I could go to the training sessions. The girls were real nice about me being such a shitty football player, yelling things like “Good one Matildaaa! Great save! Well done Matildaaaa!” and I am used to being the last one left on the bench when teams were picked in sports at school, soo I think that maybe I could become friends with these girls.

Well folks, enough for today, I gotta mentally prepare for my classes, buy books, buy a raincoat, cook dinner, find out if there is a party tonight, e-mail student advisers, hunt down spiders (they are so BIG here!) aaand buy something healthy at Sainsbury’s.
Till soon guys, thank you for reading!! Xx Matzz

  • 16 September 2010 - 18:51


    leuk!! Have fun with all these nice events and what did the finns write on yur shurt?

  • 16 September 2010 - 21:04


    Good to see you're having fun! Rugby is awesome though, but I guess football might be abit more gentle on someone your size :)

    What's up with the Corona's btw? Where's the real Scottish beer?!

  • 16 September 2010 - 21:19



    Jij en voetbal...? Daar moet ik nog even aan wennen maar wel goed van je!!! =P
    AArgh spinnen zijn niet leuk hoop dat je er niet zoveel tegen komt!!


  • 16 September 2010 - 21:53


    Yeah, finally get to see two door cinema club on stage :P
    And good luck with your fitba carreer!


  • 19 September 2010 - 11:35


    Hello lieve matzie-meisje
    zo te lezen en wat ik van je heb gehoord heb je het naar je zin :D Ik vind het echt gaaf dat je een voetbalchicky wordt jeej onze eigen sporty spice!

    uhmmmm nou ja umh ik weet het niet meer. Ik spreek je snel weer op skype!


  • 19 September 2010 - 17:32


    Hi Darling,

    Ondanks dat je veel moet regelen heb je gelukkig ook nog lots of fun!
    En je maakt al wat vrienden, dan ben je niet zo alleen meer :P
    Haha jah nu wordt je een voetbalmeisje, haha nooit gedacht maar het is wel leuk om in een team te zitten!
    Ik begin komende week met toneel :D
    En en en ik heb natuurlijk mijn reis gebookt! ben zoo benieuwd en heb er super zin in!
    Geniet er lekker van je hebt alle tijd :D

  • 21 September 2010 - 17:57


    Glad you're having fun. Klink erg goed allemaal.

    Maar dude, je hebt wel door dat je in Scotland ook gewoon kunt pinnen met een Rabobank of wat je ook hebt pasje, right?

    Waarschijnlijk niet bij elke no-name bankautomaat maar in ieder geval kan het wel bij de RBC en de HSBC. En je betaalt een eerlijke wisselkoers voor euros/pondjes.

  • 22 September 2010 - 13:40



    Aparte feestjes, klinkt wel gaaf! Whihoe silent disco! <3

    En voetbal?Wow, die zag ik niet aankomen, goed bezig!! Fijn om te lezen dat je je zo vermaakt daar. Ik zag dat je ook nog steeds audioscrobbled vanuit de UK, nice ^^!

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Verslag uit: Verenigd Koninkrijk, Glasgow


Teacher of English Language and Culture... ...on me way tae Canada!!! Beauty 'eh?

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