Conversations on and on - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld - Conversations on and on - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld -

Conversations on and on

Door: Supermatz

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Mathilde

23 November 2010 | Verenigd Koninkrijk, Glasgow

Hey guys, long time no blog!
I thought it might be interesting to tell you about the conversation I have in this strange country. Nothing very interesting has happened… apart from a small explosion in the kitchen (toaster) and maybe my flatmate’s sangria party, I’ve just been busy writing a book (nanowrimo) and postponing my essays. I will start today I promise!

People who don’t understand me…
(I don’t always understand scots, but they have problems with my hopelessly American accent, too..)
Last week the power was out and I had to call a repair guy.
Repair guy: What number do you live?
Mathilde: Thirteen
Repair guy: Sorry what was that?
Mathilde: Thirteen.
Repair guy: Sorry I really don’t understand what you sayin’
I swear I repeated this number about ..thirteen times.. in all the English/British/American accents I could think of but he still did not understand so in the end I just said: ehh the number that comes after twelve?
Repair guy got that and said he would send someone who would be there in a minute but I had to wait for an hour and a half in the dark booooh! =(

French people do not speak English. They are a &^%$#$ pain in the neck. No further explanation needed.

Conversation at the Coral concert.
Random creepy guy: blah blah the Coral blah (dialiectish)
Mathilde: sorry what?
Random creepy guy: blah blah blah are you from Glasgow?
Mathilde: No from the Netherlands
Random creepy guy: blah blah blah
Mathilde: what? Sorry my scots is not very good
Random creepy guy: Are you from Scotland?
Mathilde: …….
By the way this creepy guy looked like he was 14 and every time he talked to me he was kind of touching me/ holding my waist. I thought euhh WTF, next time he does this I’ll put on a creepy serious face and tell him to stop.
Random creepy guy: blah blah blah *touch touch*
Mathilde: I’m sorry could you stop touching me? I’m 21 and you’re like 14 and I don’t think it’s very appropriate!
Random creepy guy: I’m 18!

Conversations in Gaelic.
Last week a German girl invited me to a gaelic-party.. When we got there we soon noticed that we were the only foreigners present, and everybody was talking in Gaelic. We got to hear some songs and music, but I did feel kind of misplaced. I also learned that there is a big difference between Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic (I’d picked up a flyer that said “Learn Gaelic!” and a girl said to me, “oooh you don’t want to do that, it’s Irish!” As if Irish were a disease)
I don’t hear the difference I guess. I think it sounds kind of Swedish, but more unintelligible.

Conversations in Swedish
Yeah so I have not met a lot of Swedish people here, very unfortunate. However, I know a couple of Finnish people and they speak Swedish too, if they want, and one girl occasionally wants to speak Swedish with me which is fun *whee* and she also recommended me some Swedish movies etc.
However! Last weekend I was swimming and I detected two Swedish guys! And they were talking and talking and I tried to listen but they went into the sauna… so I waited 30 seconds and went after them bwahahah like a complete stalker just to hear them talk, jag är en idiot, jag vet xD
So in the sauna they were talking.. very fast… and in some kind of dialect.. about tattoos and how they hurt “som fan”. I usually do catch the swearing-phrases =P anyway it was not too interesting but it made my day bwahahahh.

Conversations upstairs…
I can regularly hear the Spanish girls upstairs having sex with random guys… Their flatmates and me did not get a lot of sleep last week sooo I e-mailed someone to complain hehehe because those Spanish girls are evil bitches anyways (they don’t even say hi whenever you see them outside and have noisy random parties every week for loud spanish guys only of which they never notify anyone, oh and they have fake hair bwahahah they put it in the bathroom before they go to sleep it’s so silly) anyway yesterday the senior resident came to their apartment to preach at them bwahahah I am very satisfied. So is my catalan roommate, she is very anti-spanish and would love to start a war =P

Which reminds me! I also learned a catalan song ^^ and yesterday we had a sangria-pary, so here’s how to make sangria: take the cheapest red wine you can get. Add a mix of fruit juices and lots of fruit (no pineapple!) so that in the end it looks like puke and kiwi. Then drink it.
Also learned a lot of Italian swearwords.. very useful.

That’s it for today except
Newsflash: next weekend trip to Manchester and Liverpool. We Are Scientist concert in two days =)
Ermmm essays and exams after the weekend.. :/ and hopefully harry potter somewhere next week :P
Oh and I’ll go to Edinburgh with my flatmates after the exams for Christmas shopping ^^ only three weeks or so and I’m already in Groningen wtf…
The weather: Cold. Duh. And it’s already dark at 4, very depressing.


  • 23 November 2010 - 15:56


    haha, du har skrivit en jätte roligt bericht. Att stalka kan vara superfun och vi har här detsamma problemet med människor från Spanien. Dem har mycket kitchenparty's och jag tycker inte om dem (siis (haha det är finsk) inte om de manniskorna eikä (finsk again) om dem kitchenparty's. Har det roligt med all din trips och succes till examener. Mer ort jag kann inte minnas på svensk ;) hejdå!! <3

  • 24 November 2010 - 10:47


    Hi Mathilde, Jij maakt nogal wat mee!Niet alles positief begrijp ik. Maar je slaat je er wel doorheen. En gelukkig ook veel interessante belevenisen.Ik verheug me al op het weerzien,waarschijnlijk met Kerst. Tot dan, veel liefs van oma Toetie.

  • 24 November 2010 - 11:24


    Hahaha matzie wat maak je toch weer grappige dingen mee hahahaha
    Maar gelukkig sla je je er wel door heen!
    Nog maar 3 weekjes!!!! jeej!
    Nog veel succes met de essays en examens!! you can do it!!!!! Go matz!!!


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Teacher of English Language and Culture... ...on me way tae Canada!!! Beauty 'eh?

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