TIS WEL N BEETJE FRIS - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld - WaarBenJij.nu TIS WEL N BEETJE FRIS - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld - WaarBenJij.nu


Door: Supermatz

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Mathilde

08 Januari 2011 | Verenigd Koninkrijk, Glasgow

Hey guys, time for a blog :)

The Christmas holidays were absolutely awesome and over in about a minute, and now I am…
back already!
It is like I’ve ever left. Internet still sucks and it is still… freezing! I almost forgot how cold my room is, blergh, but fortunately I have three scarves and two hats, and lots of socks.

Let’s start with the weather! When I arrived here yesterday, there was no snow. Then I went to Sainsbury’s and everything was white. When I woke up this morning it was even more white… I don’t know if I’m that happy with it this time, I already fell this morning when I was walking through the park =P and spotted lots of people with their sleds and canoe’s (really) and dogs and kids at the park. I nearly got killed by a dog in canoe.

Anyway, nothing too interesting has happened yet because I only arrived yesterday, hehe, but ermm well I discovered my postponed exam has been rescheduled for next Friday which means I should be doing some studying instead of telling you all this. Also I got an e-mail from one of my tutors saying that I should have handed in my essay online, and now he cannot mark it. Fuck. Well I hope it can still be marked, I had to go to the library to do the online submit-bit because my internet won’t allow me to go to pages such as uni ones, uitzending gemist ones and last.fm =( booo!

Soon I will buy a sled and woosh through the park with my roommate. The Spanish girl arrived last night, so at least there’s someone to talk to. Might drink some whisky later with her and the germans next door.

Blah. It is cold and I miss my friends already. Soon I will start nomming on my 1kg aldi cheese to make me feel better. And I guess soon, as in Monday, classes will start again, aaand hopefully there will be some trips coming up! Scotland is, besides very cold, very pretty ^^
Now I will try to play some bass. Cheers and I promise my next message will be less of a waste of time. Oooh. I feel like chips and cheese. Bye now!

  • 08 Januari 2011 - 21:43


    Hoi Til,

    Weersverwachting klopte dus niks van, dôh :-( Maar mooi wit is niet lelijk, dus zorg dat je warm blijft, doe voorzichtig en geniet er van ;-)
    Enneh... ik hoop dat het lukt zo gauw weer aan de studie te gaan. Valt niet altijd mee na zo'n intensieve vakantie.

    Grtjs en tot contacts!

  • 09 Januari 2011 - 20:30


    hey lieverd
    wij missen jou ook al weer hoor.
    maar vond het heel gezellig dat je even weer in Grunn was :D

    we facebook'n ;)

  • 10 Januari 2011 - 14:16


    Matz! Vond het gezellig om toch op het laatste moment nog even met je in groningen te kletsen! =) Haha succes met je bass en hopelijk komen er nog allemaal leuke uitstapjes door schotland!

  • 10 Januari 2011 - 14:42


    Hi Mathilde,

    Dat is wel weer even wennen hé. Je krijgt het meteen alweer razend druk zie ik. Maar, tha'ts all in the game!! Ik had gehoopt je nog even te zien of een telefoontje verwacht, maar je kwam tijd tekort hoorde ik. Never mind! !Hou je goed, veel liefs van oma.

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Verslag uit: Verenigd Koninkrijk, Glasgow


Teacher of English Language and Culture... ...on me way tae Canada!!! Beauty 'eh?

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