Oh Nessie, where art thou?? - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld - WaarBenJij.nu Oh Nessie, where art thou?? - Reisverslag uit Glasgow, Verenigd Koninkrijk van Mathilde Heereveld - WaarBenJij.nu

Oh Nessie, where art thou??

Door: Supermatz

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Mathilde

25 Februari 2011 | Verenigd Koninkrijk, Glasgow

Hello dear everybody (:

It’s been a while since I last gave you a sign of life, but I’m still here! Last week Stefan was here and we went to Loch Ness, the week before I.. kind of tried working on my essay (which still is not finished) and the week before that I was in Newcastle for a couple of days.. so a lot happened but I’ll try to just give you the short version (:

The Bravery!
Been to their concert with one of my flatmates. It was awesome. We stole their drumsticks.
(Misschien ga ik binnenkort naar the Vaccines.. of Glasvegas)

Saw a castle. It was not new. Saw lots of shops, come clubs. Girls in Newcastle dress like girls in Glasgow… korte rokjes, vaak geen panty, hele hoge hakken.. mij niet gezien heur!

Seen NEDS (movie about teenage boys in Glasgow stabbing each other. Movie took place in the seventies, but it still happens at least once a week that a boy is hospitalised or even dies because of a knife battle between gangs. I stopped buying the newspaper xD)
Seen the King’s Speech (Oma als je dit leest, deze film moet je echt zien hij is zo leuk! En zeker een Oscar waard)

Vorige week ging zo damn snel! We went on a tourbus through Glasgow which was fun, went to some pubs, a pizzeria.. omnom. Won a flipcup tournament, ate lots of candy. Oh and we went to Loch Ness!

Last sathurday we first arrived in INVERNESS which is a village close to the Loch, this is where our hostel was. It was quite a nice town and in the evening we visited a pub with live funky music. On Sunday the bus took us to Loch Ness where we were unable to spy a monster ;) however, the weather was lovely and we did get to see a castle (Urquhart als ik het goed spel) and a nice view. We had a very funny bus driver who told us random things about the landscape and about Scottish clan wars. When we got back to Glasgow it was snowing…

Snow last Monday, rain all Tuesday, today the sun is shining and it looks like spring is in the air. Let’s hope it stays that way otherwise I’ll just be very sad and lonely and gloomy. The only thing keeping me company at the moment are the Bastogne koekjes Stefan brought and..

I have three essays to write, two of which are to be handed in on Monday ooops and one for idunno when. Also, lots of assignments to be done and an exam and.. I guess by the end of April I’ll be tired BUT a free woman!! So people please come visit me at the end of april or in may because I’ll have time for you =D aye? ..Though I do have a dissertation to write, but I think it’ll be fine, I’m actually very excited about getting started on it because I want to interview people and stuff and I’m going to be an excellent researcher hehe but first! ESSAYS =( which means library…
bye everyone! Cheers, adios!

  • 25 Februari 2011 - 17:07

    Oma Hoogeveen:

    Hello dear Mathilde,

    First of all, thank you for the beautiful postcard you sent me. By the way, my code is 7905!! So you had a wonderful time with Stefan. And now at work!!1 hope you will be succesful with all that work you have to do. Love from oma Hoogeveen.

  • 26 Februari 2011 - 09:05


    Hello Mathilde,

    Oma is with me now and she showed me this site. What a pity you could not spot Nessy.
    I would like to visit the places you've been to. Ina and I read a some books (The reiziger cyclus) about the clan wars and the wars against the English. Iverness was one of the places where terrible fights took place.
    Who knows, perhaps we can spend our honeymoon in Scotland :-).
    I hope you can come to the wedding at june 16th.
    Peter, Ina and Oma

  • 26 Februari 2011 - 12:36


    Aye of course ik ben dabei (:

    Ik was het vergeten te melden maar ik vlieg 10 juni terug omdat dat de laatste dag is dat ik hier in dit huis mag.. ;)
    Cheers guys! The sun in shining wheeee <3

  • 27 Februari 2011 - 17:51


    Hoi Mathilde,
    Nessy niet gezien...wij wel! maar ja, wij hadden geluk: het regende!
    Klinkt leuk dit verslag, vooral ook omdat we de meeste locaties kennen.
    King's Speech was idd een hele mooie film. die Colin Firth zette een geweldige Bertie neer. Have fun daar in Schotland.
    Groetjes Marianne

  • 03 Maart 2011 - 22:41


    You didn't know you need a lot of rare single malt to be able to see Nessy?

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